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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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A la una
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At one o'clock
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since - from - as in point of departure or in time
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Dónde estás tú?
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Where are you?
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to smile
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Bring it!
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to lose
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which - which one
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la conversación
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the conversation
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la actitud
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the attitude
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Solo necesita hacerlo dos veces.
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You only need to do it twice - singular and formal
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la página
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the page
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la mayoría
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trescientos gatos
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300 cats
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Algunas ideas son males.
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Some ideas are bad.
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still - yet - no not yet
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Ellos no son cubanos - sino españoles.
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They are not cubans - but rather spaniards.
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Solo hago las cosas importantes
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I only do the important things.
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to go up or increase
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el cuello
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the neck
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to begin
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Cuánto tiempo hace que Ustedes viajan?
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How long have you been traveling?
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so much
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el tercer dia
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the third day
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to be
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to recognize
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Cuántos años tiene el coche?
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How old is the car?
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Hace buen tiempo.
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The weather is good.
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la mujer española
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the spanish woman
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la obra
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the play
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to run
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to fold
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menos - adjetivo - que
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less adjective than
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Este niño es un buen estudiante
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This child is a good student.
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la foto
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the photograph
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la luna
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the moon
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Quiero comprarlo si no es caro.
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I want to buy it if it's not expensive.
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Usted trata de contestar
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you try to answer - singlular formal
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el cantante
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the singer - male
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la blusa
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the blouse
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to export
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el mar
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the sea
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to load
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veintiun años
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21 years
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Dónde está Londres?
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Where is London?
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el interés
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the interest
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la avenida
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the avenue
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la escoba
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the broom
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el cuarto
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the room
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cuánto pan come él?
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How much bread does he eat?
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Qué haces esta noche?
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What are you doing tonight (as a plan)?
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Encuentro que es muy difícil llegar a tu casa
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I find that it's very difficult to get to your house.
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to intend
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to lie
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la primavera
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the spring (time)
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to launch or throw
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Ella ya no quiere trabajar.
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She no longer wants to work.
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el mozo
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the waiter
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a little bit - a few - not much - not many
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la artista
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the artist - female
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a la izquierda - hay un banco
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On the left - there is a bank.
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to provoke
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todo el mundo
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the world
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María toca el piano - pero casi nunca practica.
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Maria plays the piano - but she almost never practices.
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las costillas
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the ribs
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to wait
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Busco un amigo leal.
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I'm looking for a loyal friend (no personal "a" for an unspecified person)
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la muchedumbre
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the crowd
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Por qué lo está escribiendo en naranja?
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Why is she writing it in orange?
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to ask for something
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Él piensa que la lección es fácil.
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He thinks that the lesson is easy.
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A las cinco y cuarto
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At 5:15
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with you
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Necesito hablar con la profesora
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I need to speak with the teacher
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el artista
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the artist - male
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Qué va a pasar en los próximos años y en las próximas generaciones?
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What is going to happen in the next years and the next generations?
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Ellos viven en las montañas. Su casa es grande.
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They live in the mountains. Their house is big.
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novecientos espejos
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900 mirrors
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el amigo
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the friend
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Tenemos cinco dólares
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We have five dollars.
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to build
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Hay un libro en el baño
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Is there a book in the bathroom
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Estos árboles son menos viejos que aquellos árboles.
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These trees are younger than those trees (less old).
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el águila - las águilas
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the eagle - the eagles
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Hace calor.
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It's hot
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hacia abajo
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los amigos viejos
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the old (in years) friends
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el tipo
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the type
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Cuándo os vais?
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When are you all leaving?
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A las siete y tres
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At 7:03