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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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Nada va a estar listo para ti hoy
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Nothing is going to be ready for you today.
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Antes de nadar, ella quiere comer.
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Before swimming - she wants to eat.
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Voy a viajar por varios meses.
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I am going to travel for several months
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Vamos al cine sobre las ocho.
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We are going to the movies about eight o'clock
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No vendemos - sino compramos.
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We don't sell - but rather we buy.
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la parada
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the bus stop
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los derechos humanos
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the human rights
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La mosca está muerta.
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The fly is dead.
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Son las ocho de la noche
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It is eight o'clock at night
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Por qué no me comprendes?
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Why don't you understand me?
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to dial
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Hazlo el año que viene.
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Do it next year.
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las venas
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the veins
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tener sueño
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to be sleepy
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la comida
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the food
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el hombre holandés
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the dutch man
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to fulfull
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to prefer
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Él tiene que hablar
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He has to speak
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Todo el mundo está aquí.
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Everyone (all the world) is here.
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No os espero aquí
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I'm not waiting for you here - plural informal
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la casa
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the house
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la adrugada
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the dawn - the early morning
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Quién trabaja aquí?
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Who works here?
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A qué hora empiezas?
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At what time do you start?
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Hasta pronto
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See you soon
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Lo estoy haciendo ahora.
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I am doing it now.
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el viernes
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Friday - on Friday
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Ellos tienen buenas maestras.
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They have good teachers
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cerca de mí
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near me
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Ellos ganan suficiente dinero y tienen bastante trabajo.
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They earn enough money and have enough work.
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to finish
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to practice
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he/she/you had
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la botella
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the bottle
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to be enough
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Hazlo muy rápido por favor.
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Do it very quickly please.
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fine or delicate
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to say
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lejos de
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far from
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Ellos no entienden.
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They don't understand.
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to imagine
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to last
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la isla
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la azucena
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the white lily
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Me gusta hacerlo.
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I like to do it.
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Juan es profesor
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Juan is a professor (no personal a after ser)
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Los platos - que acabo de comprar - son verdes.
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The plates - which I have just bought - are green.
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la almohada
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the pillow
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a veces
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el hermano
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the brother
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Puedes ver ese carro?
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Can you see that car?
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to tend
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tener la culpa
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to be at fault
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Ella baila para estar alegre.
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She dances in order to be happy.
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la espalda
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the back
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Adónde van ellos?
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To where are they going?
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cuarenta y una mujeres
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41 women
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Quiero ir al supermercardo
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I want to go to the supermarket.
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el gerente
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the manager - male
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to think
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to raise
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Elena no cocina bien - pero su esposo piensa que no es para tanto.
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Elena doesn't cook well - but her husband thinks that it is not such a big deal.
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Tienes que irte con él.
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You have to leave with him.
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Tiene muchos amigos.
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He has a lot of friends.
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encima de
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on top of
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Su antiguo novio.
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Her former boyfriend.
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No vas a necesitarlo hoy.
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You are not going to need him today.
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to suppose
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el lápiz
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the pencil
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to delay or stop - as in stop the flow of traffic.
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to signal or point out
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Os levantáis a las siete.
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You all get up a 7 o'clock.
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to utilize or use
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treinta y ocho
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to sing
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to touch
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el arco
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by - because of - in exchange for - per - or for - if it relates to a period of time - also it adds the idea of motion to prepositions of location
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la escuela
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the school
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el idioma
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the language
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la luz
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the light
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junto a - o - pegado a
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close to or right next to
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la conocida
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the acquaintance
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el sistema
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the system
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short in length
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to be left or remaining
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La oficina del doctor está en el sexto piso.
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The doctor's office is on the sixth floor.
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doscientos hoteles
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200 hotels
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Él tiene dolor del tobillo y no puede caminar bien.
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He has a pain in his ankle and can't walk well.
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No trabajes el domingo!
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Don't work on Sunday!
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dentro de
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inside of