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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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to open
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he/she/you lived
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ciento cincuenta
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Van a llegar mañana.
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They are going to arrive tomorrow.
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Yo estoy en el comedor
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I am in the dining room.
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A qué hora te levantas?
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At what time do you get up?
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Lo compro contigo.
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I'm buying it with you.
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la garganta
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the throat
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el presidente
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the president - male
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right away
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Son malas situaciones.
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They are bad situations.
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Ella está de rodillas.
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She is kneeling.
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No recibo nunca ninguna carta de nadie.
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I never receive any letter from anybody.
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to perform
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para usted
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for you - formal
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Vives tú en España?
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Do you live in Spain?
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Tus lápices están en la silla.
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Your pencils are on the chair.
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la carta
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the menu
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una maleta
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a suitcase
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to obtain
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la llamada
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the phone call
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de nada
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you're welcome
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according to
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Leo toda la información.
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I reed all the information.
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beautiful or handsome for people only
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la gira
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the tour
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Hay tomates rojos en este mercado
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Are there red tomatoes in this market
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el dentista
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the dentist - male
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Mañana es el seis de mayo
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Tomorrow is May 6
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Este café está malísimo.
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This coffee is horrible.
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ellas dejan de estudiar
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they stop studying
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Ella estudia para aprender
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She studies in order to learn
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Ella tiene un amigo que vive en el campo.
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She has a friend who lives in the countryside.
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No entiendo el tema de que habla
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I don't understand the theme of which you speak.
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Qué piensa de mi teléfono nuevo?
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What do you think of my new telephone - formal singular
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to rest
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South America
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Pon las cervezas aquí.
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Put the beers here.
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El libro en que escribimos es viejo.
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The book in which we write is old.
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no hay de que
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you're welcome or don't mention it.
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enfrente de - o - frente a
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in front of - opposite - facing - or - across from
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Él no fuma ni cigarrillos ni cigarros.
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He smokes neither cigarettes nor cigars.
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las encías
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the gums
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to return or come back
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Son las tres y quince
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It is 3:15
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Sell it!
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Tengo un perro
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I have a dog
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el cabello
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the hair
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mil años
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1000 years
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how many
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el viento
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the wind
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la tormenta
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the storm
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german - male
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Me gusta el libro rojo más que el verde.
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I like the red book more than the green.
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dejáis de beber
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You stop drinking - plural informal
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el sillón
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the easy chair
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la casa blanca
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the white house
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A qué hora va a llegar el tren
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At what hour is the train going to arrive?
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el banco
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la semana
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the week
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Su madre es meyor.
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Her mother is older.
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el cliente
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the customer
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to sign
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Ricardo es el único mexicano aquí.
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Ricardo is the only Mexican here.
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Ya sé que ella está aquí.
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I already know that she is here.
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el piso
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the floor
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Hay una carta para nosotros?
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Is there a letter for us?
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how much - female
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to fill
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to cut
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la invitación
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the invitation
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Él tiene tanto pelo como su tío.
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He has as much hair as his uncle.
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Por qué no lo compras?
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Why don't you buy it - masculine?
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el invitado
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Por qué solo tenemos dos mesas?
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Why do we only have two tables?
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Lo encuentro fácil pero va demasiado despacio
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I find it easy but it goes too slowly.
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to play
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Es temprano
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It is early
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to make up - as in the jury is made up of 12 people.
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Son las dos de la mañana
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It is two o'clock in the morning
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To welcome
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la cuñada
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el ahijado
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tener prisa
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to be in a hurry
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Hace quince años que yo vivo aquí
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I have been living here for fifteen years.
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to need
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Por qué no me entiendes?
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Why don't you understand me?