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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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Las mujeres vienen la semana que viene
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The women are coming next week.
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Vengo con él mañana.
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I’m coming with him tomorrow.
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to impose
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to confess
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to function
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to get
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el poema
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the poem
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el comedor
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the dining room
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el - la - juez
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the judge
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los carros son viejos
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the cars are old
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para ella
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for her
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excepto tú y yo
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except you and me
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No lo hagas si no te gusta.
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Don't do it if you don’t like it.
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la ciudad
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the city
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la colección
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The collection
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la ropa
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the clothes
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Hazlo ahora!
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Do it now!
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to remove
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el talón
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the heel
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there is - there are - are there - is there
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tratáis de correr
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you try to run
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Ellos aman a sus padres.
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They love their parents.
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la muchacha simpática
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the nice girl
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Lo ponemos aquí.
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We are putting it here.
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Pienso que hay un cajero automático delante del banco.
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I think that there is a cash machine in front of the bank.
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Si lo vendes vas a tener mucho dinero.
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If you sell it you are going to have a lot of money.
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la uña
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the nail
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Paula tiene una casa en las montañas - nada más.
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Paula has a house in the mountains - nothing more.
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Nada va estar listo esta tarde.
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Nothing is going to be ready this afternoon - evening.
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to show
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ella deja de bailar
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she stops dancing
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ochenta y una amigas
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81 friends. Feminin
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Ella quiere otra casa.
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She wants another house.
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el dedo del pie
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the toe
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Quieres encontrarlo hoy?
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Do you want to find it today?
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la frase
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the sentence
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el gato
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the cat
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la mano
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the hand
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Hace un mes que él estudia francés.
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He has been studying french for a month.
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el hombre español
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the spanish man
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you were - intrinsic plural and informal
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el clima
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the climate
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Vivo en una casa pequeña pero mi habitación es muy grande.
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I live in a small house but my room is very big.
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el primo
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the cousin
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el cuchillo
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the knife
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los senos
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the breasts
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tienes que cocinar
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You have to cook
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Hay estrellas
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The stars are out
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Qué hora es?
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What time is it? What hour is it?
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to answer
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entre tú y yo
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between you and me
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to abandon
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la niña
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the little girl
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Ella aprende tanto como él.
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She learns as much as him.
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to share
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la barba
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the beard
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es seguro
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it is safe
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aquí - allí
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here - there
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to give
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Es la una
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It is one o'clock
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por aquí
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around here
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el hígado
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the liver
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sigue así
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it continues in this way
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Pon cinco o seis cervezas en la mesa por favor.
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Put five or six beers on the table please.
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to drive
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Tengo dos hermanos.
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I have two brothers (no personal "a" after tener)
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Por qué no vas a necesitarlo mañana?
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Why aren't you going to need it tomorrow?
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la medicina
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the medicine
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Se va a las ocho.
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He's leaving at eight o'clock.
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Cuánto tiempo vamos a quedarnos aquí?
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How long are we going to stay here?
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la inundación
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the flood
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to leverage or take advantage of
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la hora
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la taxista
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the taxi driver - female
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to result in
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Ella no puede encontrar lo que quiere allí.
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She can't find what she wants there.
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A las cuatro y diez
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At 4:10
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el desierto
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the desert
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No - no hay nadie.
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No - there is no one.
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El programa que miro los viernes es interesante
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The program that I watch on Fridays is interesting.
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Cuál es la clase menos interesante de la escuela?
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Which is the least interesting class in the school?
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to save
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treinta y uno
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treinta y siete
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to apply
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to decend
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según tú
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according to you
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el colmo
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the limit - used with irony
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a lot of
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Voy a hacerlo tres veces.
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I'm going to do it three times.