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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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to love
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la gerente
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the manager - female
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Ella no quiere irse el martes.
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She doesn't want to leave on Tuesday.
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Su carro está cerca de la casa de Pablo.
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Her car is near Pablo's house.
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Compra esta casa!
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Buy this house!
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el uniforme
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you went
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el noveno presidente
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the ninth president
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la mesa es de madera
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The table is wood
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la amistad
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the friendship
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to pick up or collect
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la playa
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the beach
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to look
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Cuántas estrellas hay en el cielo
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How many stars are there in the sky?
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el circo
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the circus
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to go down or lower
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la margarita
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el amor
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Su amiga tiene una mala idea.
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Her friend has a bad idea.
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hablan por teléfono
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they speak on the telephone
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el bolígrafo
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the ballpoint pen
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you were - state/location
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to fix
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la esposa
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the wife
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Vamos a decidir más tarde.
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We are going to decide later.
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to be worth or have value
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el símbolo
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symbol - the symbol
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to search for
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por ejemplo
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for example
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la bolsa es de plástic
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The bag is made of plastic.
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to know how
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la muchacha
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the girl
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No lo escribas en azul!
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Don't write it in blue.
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to hate
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to weigh
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No lo digas!
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Don't say it!
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al fondo
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in back - at the bottom
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Vuestro amigo es de España.
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Your friend is from Spain - Spain only and where your is plural.
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Él corre tantos metros como su hijo.
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He runs as many meters as his son.
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No me gustaría ser un hombre.
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I wouldn't like to be a man.
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Cómo te llamas?
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What's your name?
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Quién es la persona más fuerte de su familia?
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Who is the strongest person in your family?
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to throw
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Hay luna
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The moon is out
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cuál prefieres?
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Which do you prefer - as in which one
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you went - plural informal
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la residencia
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the residence
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to indicate
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No lo comas!
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Don’t eat it!
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el carro rojo
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the red car
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to read
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además de
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in addition to
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la cena
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the supper
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Qué estás escribiendo?
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What are you writing?
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to be important or import
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Ustedes tratan de nadar
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You try to swim - plural informal
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Qué estás diciendo?
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What are you saying?
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Aquella blusa es más bonita.
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That blouse (over there) is prettier.
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la clase
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the class
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to make - as in commit a mistake
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how much - male
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Mañana es el primero de octubre.
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Tomorrow is October 1.
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la mesa
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the table
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to mean
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la oficina
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the office
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Se van el lunes.
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They are leaving on Monday.
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No me gustaría estar aquí la semana que viene.
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I would not like to be here next week.
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tanto como
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as much as - use with verbs
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Hay miles de personas en el restaurante
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There are tons of people in the restaurant.
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Esos libros son caros.
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Those books are expensive.
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La revista es más interesante que el libro.
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The magazine is more interesting than the book.
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Son las dos y cinco
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It is 2:05
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Son las doce menos quince
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It is 11:45
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Los guantes son para el invierno.
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The gloves are for the winter.
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la chaqueta negra
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the black jacket
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la sexta calle
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Sixth Street (the sixth street)
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No me llames el sábado
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Don't call me on Saturday!
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la bisabuela
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the great grandmother
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la sopa
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the soup
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Ella tiene un mal perro
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She has a bad dog.
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Ellas aprenden bien por ti
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They learn well because of you
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Este periódico es interesante.
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This newspaper is interesting.
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novecientas siestas
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900 naps
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la arteria
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the artery
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Ella hace todas las preguntas.
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She asks all the questions.
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to allow
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Ella no quiere quedarse aquí.
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She doesn't want to stay here.
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Qué tipo de habitación quiere?
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What kind of room do you want - formal singular?
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to go
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we spoke
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el árbol
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the tree
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Los perros son del muchacho
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The dogs belong to the boy
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Me da el libro la semana que viene.
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He's giving me the book next week.