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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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to serve
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No pongas tu carro delante del mercado el sábado.
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Don't put your car in front of the market on Saturday.
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la carta
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the letter
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tener la palabra
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to have the floor
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Si no te veo hoy puedes decirme mañana?
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If I don't see you today can you tell me tomorrow?
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Si quieres cenar conmigo puedo estar allí pronto
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If you want to have dinner with me I can be there soon.
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Cuánto tiempo hace que él estudia el francés?
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How long has he been studying french?
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la mancha
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the stain
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to hope
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vuelves a cocinar
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you cook again
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la misma idea
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the same idea
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hacia arriba
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No lo bebas si no te gusta!
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Don't drink it if you don't like it!
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el escritor
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the writer
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to interest
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el marido
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the husband
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Vas a viajar a España?
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Are you going to travel to Spain?
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la tarjeta de crédito
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the credit card
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No hables ahora!
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Don't speak now!
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menos tú y yo
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except you and me
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for - in order to - or by - as in a deadline
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el patio
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the yard
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No lo traigo porque es demasiado grande.
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I'm not bringing it because it's too big.
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la ley
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the law
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después de
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Hay neblina
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It's foggy
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la llave
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the key
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por lo menos
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at least
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el huevo
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the egg
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to develop
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un millón de dólares
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a million dollars
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el riñón
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the kidney
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la puerta
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the door
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para ustedes
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for you - plural formal
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Hay menos hombres aquí que mujeres.
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There are less men here than women.
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la secretaria
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the secretary
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Es la una de la tarde
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It is one o'clock in the afternoon
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Hay un cajero automático cerca de aquí?
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Is there a cash machine near here?
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A pesar de estar enfermo - él va al trabajo.
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In spite of being sick - he goes to work.
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tratamos de escribir
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we try to write
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to form
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rapidly - quickly
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Puedes decirme si puedo tenerlo hoy
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Can you tell me if I can have it today?
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No viene nadie a mi fiesta.
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No one is coming to my party.
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Silvia quiere viajar más que nada.
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Silvia wants to travel more than anything.
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el dormitorio
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the bedroom
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to imagine
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estar seguro
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to be sure
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I went
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el restaurante
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argentinian - mail
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Hay cincuenta y dos naipes en una baraja.
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There are 52 cards in a deck.
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to produce
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in - on
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Cada apartemento tiene una cocina.
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Each apartment has a kitchen.
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No me gusta eso porque no es muy bueno
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I don't like that because it's not very good.
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Hoy es la última clase del semestre.
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Today is the last class of the semester.
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él es arquitecto
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he is an architect
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Dormimos por ocho horas cada noche
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We sleep for eight hours every night
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el lunes
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Monday - on Monday
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Su hermano es menor.
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His brother is younger.
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la sangre
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the blood
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to review
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España y Portugal son bellos. Los viajeros van a visitar ambos países.
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Spain and Portugal are beautiful. The travelers are going to visit both countries.
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el pecho
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the chest
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Lo compras para Maria o para Paula?
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Are you buying it for Maria or Paula?
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de dónde es usted
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where are you from - formal
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más que
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more than - use with verbs
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la pierna
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the leg
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el siglo segundo
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the second century
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Me gustaría hacerlo.
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I would like to do it.
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el campo
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the countryside
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Voy al banco los miércoles.
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I go to the bank on Wednesdays.
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Sabes lo que quiere decir eso?
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Do you know what that means?
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cuatrocientas luces
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400 lights
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acabáis de pagar
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you just paid - plural informal
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la nieve
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the snow
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el enfermero
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to respond
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to discover
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logro escuchar
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I am able to listen
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Quieres ir con nosotros?
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Do you want to go with us?
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to split
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Hay un médico en la casa?
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Is there a doctor in the house?
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la puesta del sol
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the sunset
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el lapicero
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the ballpoint pen
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Son las cinco
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It is five o'clock
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volvemos a conversar
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we speak again