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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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con cuidado
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with care
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acerca de
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tanto - nombre - como
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as much or as many - noun - as
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La pregunta es para María.
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The question is for Maria.
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to mention
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la mitad
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la mujer japonesa
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the japanese woman
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Sal ahora!
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Leave now!
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doscientas puertas
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200 doors
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you were - state/location plural informal
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ya no
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no longer
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el autor
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author - male
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para ellas
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for them - feminine
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Lo compra hoy o mañana?
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Is she buying it today or tomorrow?
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to break
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to gather or meet
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yo soy estudiante
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I am a student
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la calle
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the street
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el apellido
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the last name - the surname
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a la izquierda
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to the left
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Por qué vendes tu teléfono?
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Why are you selling your phone?
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Estos televisores están rotos.
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These television sets are broken.
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la mujer israelí
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the israeli woman
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la ceja
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the eyebrow
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el hombre chileno
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the chilean man
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Arabia Saudita
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Saudi Arabia
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to see
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la tempestad
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the storm
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to initiate
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el café
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the coffee
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to hold
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to change
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too much
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más - adjetivo - que
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more than
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la vela
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the candle
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el cuñado
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el horno
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the oven
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los bisabuelos
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the great grandparents
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el océano
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por fin
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finally - at last
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older - only used for people
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No quiero hacer nada hoy.
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I don't want to do anything today.
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el personaje
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the character
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No voy a dejaros aquí si no tenéis dinero.
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I'm not going to leave you here if you don't have money - plural informal
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un desorden
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a mess
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Veo a Juan
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I see John
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la ducha
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the shower
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Compra este libro!
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Buy this book!
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Los niños cocinan poco.
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The children cook a little bit.
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No hay buses por la noche
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There aren't buses in the night
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la letra
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the words - as in of a song
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Ella trabaja desde las siete de la mañana hasta las tres de la tarde.
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She works from 7 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon.
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tener dolar de cabeza
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to have a head ache
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en ves de
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instead of
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Ella no entiende nada.
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She doesn't understand anything
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Amo a mi preciosa gata - Princesa.
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I love my darling cat - Princess (use the personal a for pets or animals you care know)
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el décimo sueño
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the tenth dream
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algunas veces
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Aquellos árboles son enormes.
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Those trees (over there) are enormous.
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antes de estudiar
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before studying
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Tenemos que comer esta carne?
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Do we have to eat this meat?
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Vamos a viajar el próximo año.
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We are going to travel next year.
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Quieres comer algo?
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Do you want to eat something?
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Ellos son buenos estudiantes
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They are good students
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Ella no compra ni revistas ni periódicos
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She buys neither magazines nor newspapers.
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el taxista
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the taxi driver - male
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Lo digo ahora porque es muy importante.
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I’m saying it now because it's very important.
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por qué
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una idea
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an idea
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de la mañana
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el mantel
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the tablecloth
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to represent
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after - used in a set of expressions
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to stop
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Es el perro tan inteligente como el gato?
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Is the dog as intelligent as the cat?
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dos millones de preguntas
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2 million questions
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to write
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of course
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unas casas
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some houses
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No vengas si no quieres.
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Don't come if you don't want to.
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la escalera
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the stairs
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la librería
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the bookstore
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la lección veintitrés
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the twenty-third lesson
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el próximo
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the next
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la mano
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the hand
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Ella es peor.
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She is worse.
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to know - as in something