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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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el mes
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the month
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Puedes ver esa silla?
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Can you see that chair?
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la fe
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La gran mujer
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The great woman.
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detrás de
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Qué pasa?
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What's going on or What's happening?
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to talk
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la tienda
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the store
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to accompany
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clear - of course
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Hay un bus por la mañana
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There is a bus in the morning.
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Ella va a estudiar para el examen.
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She is going to study for the exam.
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por eso
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therefore or for this reason
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Veo el coche de Juan
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I see John's car.
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to look for
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Lo compra hoy
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She's buying it today.
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to play - as in an instrument
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to put away or save
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to insist
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dejas de comer
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you stop eating
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la segunda parte
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the second part
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la anfitriona
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the hostess
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Ningún muchacho va a la playa.
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Not one boy is going to the beach.
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Vamos a dejarlo en la mesa.
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We're going to leave it on the table.
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cada día
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every day - each day
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El sartén sobre la estufa.
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The pan is on top of the stove.
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el yerno
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como siempre
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like always
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not one or no - must agree in gender and number unlike other negative expressions. Only used in the plural if the noun it modifies is always plural - like vacation in spanish.
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la sala de espera
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the waiting room
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el horario
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the schedule
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la tarea
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the homework
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Vivo con él y con ella.
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I live with him and with her.
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Esas plumas son costosas.
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Those pens are costly.
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to arrange
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por la tarde
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in the afternoon
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el plato
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the plate
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to be - state or location
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but rather - used in the second clause when the first is negative.
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tenéis que escuchar
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you have to listen - plural and informal
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to return - as in give back something
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el impuesto
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the tax
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seiscientas fiestas
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600 parties
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Yo estudio más que tú.
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I study more than you.
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Es la una - más o menos
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It's about one o'clock - more or less
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nothing - anything
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la pareja
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the couple
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to turn into
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sesenta y un hombres
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61 men
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to establish
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el muslo
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the thigh
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Quiero tenerlo el miércoles.
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I want to have it on Wednesday.
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Quieres quedarte conmigo?
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Do you want to stay with me?
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Vamos a ir a Burgos.
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We're going to go to Burgos.
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por supuesto
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of course
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la dentista
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the dentist - female
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la suegra
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el tenedor
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the fork
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to be born
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Compra el rojo. No compres el blanco.
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Buy the red one. Don't buy the white one.
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Algunos pensamientos son buenos.
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Some thoughts are good.
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Ella está de mal humor.
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She is in a bad mood.
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la idea es de Pedro
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The idea is Pedro's
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Estás comiendo ahora?
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Are you eating now.
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el animal
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the animal
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la propina
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the tip
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to publish
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to exit
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Ellos tienen que bailar
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They have to dance.
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dos millones
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2 million
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Cuándo estudias?
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When do you study?
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Hasta pronto.
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See you soon.
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to treat
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cien casas
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100 houses
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Son las once menos cinco
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It is 10:55
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to avoid
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Las camisas son menos caras que los vestidos.
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The shirts are less expensive than the dresses.
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Ellas tienen tres malos gatos.
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They have three bad cats.
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to follow
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Mi hermana quiere ir a España.
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My sister wants to go to Spain.
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Me gustaría comer algo nuevo y diferente.
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I would like to eat something new and different.
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Veo el río desde mi ventana.
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I see the river from my window.
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Hay alguna farmacia cerca?
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Is there some pharmacy nearby?
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to decide
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A qué hora cena?
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What time is he having dinner?
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el viaje
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the trip
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unos gatos
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some cats
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to arise