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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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el hermano
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the brother
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El niño es joven
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The child is young.
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Este café está muy bueno.
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This coffee is very good.
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llámala en una hora o dos.
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Call her in an hour or two.
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Cada noche leo por media hora
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Each night I read for half an hour
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el teatro
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the theatre
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No comprendemos por qué tienes que decirlo.
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We don't understand why you have to say it.
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por ejemplo
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for example
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tener hambre
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to be hungry
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to escape
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Ellas preparan mucha comida para muchas personas.
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They prepare a lot of food for a lot of people.
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they/you went
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Es la una y veinte
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It is 1:20
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Qué es eso?
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What is that?
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A las ocho y media
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At 8:30
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to take
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Sí. Hay tres hoteles aquí.
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Yes. There are three hotels here.
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to have
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Hay chicos en la casa.
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There are boys in the house (no personal "a" after hay)
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el cuaderno
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the notebook
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you had
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el - la menor
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the youngest
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Puede usted pagar la cuenta? Ahora no.
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Can you pay the bill? Not now.
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tan - adjetivo - como
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The same as
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el lago
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the lake
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Hay lodo
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It's muddy
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En ves de correr - él prefiere caminar.
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Instead of running he prefers to walk.
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Nadie quiere cocinar esta noche.
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No one wants to cook tonight.
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Qué dices?
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What are you saying?
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Miramos a Jorge
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We watch George.
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Tenéis que limpiar la casa
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You all have to clean the house
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Escribe el nombre de María cerca de tu nombre.
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Write Maria's name near your name.
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happy - plural
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El libro es menos interesante que la revista.
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The book is less interesting than the magazine.
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dos mil años
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2000 years
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to reach
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No lo pongas allí!
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Don't put it there!
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Qué tiempo hace?
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What's the weather like?
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Hace seis semanas que viajamos
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We have been travelling for 6 weeks.
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el ruido
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the noise
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to end
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la mujer norteamericana
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the North American woman
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low or short in height
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they/you lived
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el - la - testigo
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the witness
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Hace frío
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It's cold
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Leen ellos el periódico cada día?
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Do they read the newspaper every day?
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la décima razón
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the tenth reason
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Hay polvo
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it's dusty
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to choose
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Queremos una habitación para dos personas por una noche.
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We want a room for two persons for one night
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Son las dos
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It is two o'clock
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A qué hora llegas?
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At what time do you arrive?
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Esta torta es buena.
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This cake is good.
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El libro no es nada interesante
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The book is not at all interesting.
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después de la comida - él va a casa.
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After the meal he goes home.
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A las diez menos veinte
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At 9:40
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El hombre bueno
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The fairly good man - notice the o is kept if it follows the noun
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Él manda mensajes por correo electrónico
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He sends messages by email
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El ladrón sale por la ventana
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The robber leaves through the window
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Me voy mañana.
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I'm leaving tomorrow.
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por un rato
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for a little while
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to notice
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to save or put away
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Maria bebe menos que Carlos.
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María drinks less than Carlos.
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Tenéis una casa bonita
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You all have a pretty house.
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la lluvia
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the rain
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mientras tanto
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Venden el carro de Marta porque no lo necesitan.
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They are selling Marta's car because they don't need it.
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Una cosa cierta
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a sure thing
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el pobre niño
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the poor (unfortunate) child.
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No lo compramos esta semana porque no está listo.
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We are not buying it this week because it is not ready.
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la mujer india
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the indian woman
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to turn off
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el planeta
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the planet
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Yo no soy profesor - sino estudiante.
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I am not a teacher - but rather a student.
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Es el veintiocho de febrero
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It is February 28.
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el hotel
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the hotel
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Las manos están sucias.
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His hands are dirty.
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Me gustaría vivir más cerca de la playa.
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I would like to live closer to the beach.
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Habla más despacio!
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Speak more slowly!.
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No hay nada delante del hombre.
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There is nothing in front of the man.
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in back - back
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ahora no
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not now
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la tía
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the aunt
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I lived