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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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el anfitriĆ³n
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the host
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to find
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cuƔntas ciudades visitan ustedes
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How many cities do you visit
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el cumpleaƱos
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the birthday
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la guerra
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the war
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esta casa misma
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this very house
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con cariƱo
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with affection - instead of affectionately
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la pelĆ­cula
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the film
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to emerge
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No quiere esperarte.
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She doesn't want to wait for you.
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to cook
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la nariz
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the nose
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TĆŗ lees menos que yo.
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You reed less than me.
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Los necesitas hoy?
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Do you need them today?
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to participate
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to ascend
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Habla despacio porque no comprende muy bien.
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Speak slowly because he doesn't understand very well.
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No aprendas inglƩs! Aprende espaƱol!
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Don't learn English! Learn Spanish!
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la estufa
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the stove
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el bocadillo
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the snack
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we had
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you had - plural and informal
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por poco
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Esta revista es interesante tambiƩn.
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This magazine is interesting also.
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to consider
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salvo yo
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except me
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Ella va a verlo maƱana.
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She is going to see it - him tomorrow.
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Hay un restaurante pequeƱo al lado del hotel.
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There is a small restaurant next to the hotel.
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JamĆ”s bebo cafĆ© con azĆŗcar.
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I never drink coffee with sugar.
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we were - state/location
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el gabinete
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the cabinet
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we lived
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el nieto
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antes de
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el hueso
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the bone
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I was - state/location
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los parientes
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the relatives
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Tu libro estĆ” en la mesa.
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Your book is on the table.
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No lo vendas si lo quieres!
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Don't sell it if you want it.
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por nada
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you're welcome
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El estudiante enseƱa por el profesor
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The student teaches for the teacher - as in instead of
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por casualidad
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by chance
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how many - female
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to get or when used as prepositional phrase means with himself - with herself - or with themselves
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Yo no lo entiendo.
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I don't understand him.
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to start
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Ella lee todo el dĆ­a.
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She reads all day.
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doscientos veinte
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Me dice todo.
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She tells me everything.
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el mensaje
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the message
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Quieres saber por quƩ no voy a comprarlo?
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Do you want to know why I am not going to buy it?
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Hay alguien aquĆ­?
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Is there someone here?
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la tarde
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the afternoon
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Yo tengo treinta aƱos.
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I am thirty years old.
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Ella va a comprar otras cosas.
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She is going to buy other things.
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Te vas con ella?
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Are you leaving with her?
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la piel
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the skin
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el palacio
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the palace
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antes de volver
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before returning
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Estas mujeres son fuertes tambiƩn.
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These women are strong also.
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la maƱana
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Necesito la blusa para el viernes.
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I need the blouse for Friday.
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los - las mayores
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oldest plural
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el desayuno
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the breakfast
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Tenemos que levantarnos pronto.
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We have to get up soon.
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Ɖl va a volver algĆŗn dĆ­a.
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He is going to return some day.
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Ɖl jamĆ”s pide nada a nadie.
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He never asks anything of anybody.
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La planta es verde por la clorofila
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The plant is green because of the chlorophyll
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trescientos quince
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EsperƔis a vuestro maestro
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You all wait for your teacher.
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to look after
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down - downstairs
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to include
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la tercera semana
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the third week
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tener ganas de
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to want or to desire as an idiom
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setecientas plantas
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700 plants
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Hay algo verde en la mesa.
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There is something green on the table.
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el trapecista
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the trapeze artist
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la boca
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the mouth
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los seguros mƩdicos
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medical insurance
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acabo de llegar
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I just arrived
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A quĆ© hora sale su aviĆ³n?
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At what time does her plane leave?
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other - another
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Estoy poniendo unas cosas detrƔs de la mesa.
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I'm putting a few things behind the table.
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Estos postres son los mejores de todos
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These desserts are the best of all.
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ciento uno
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Por quƩ no se quedan aquƭ?
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Why don't they stay here?
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to enjoy
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el padrastro
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