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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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No lo traigas el jueves.
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Don't bring it on Thursday.
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la música
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the music
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dejo de fumar
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I stop smoking
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Vas a tener todo listo para mí esta noche?
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Are you going to have everything ready for me tonight?
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el mapa
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the map
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to dedicate
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la servilleta
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the napkin
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seiscientos arboles
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600 trees
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el piso catorce
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the fourteenth floor
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tener lugar
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to take place
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Su amiga llega tarde.
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Her friend arrives late.
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Ella está bien.
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She is fine.
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to own
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Ellos no quieren viajar nunca jamás.
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They don't want to travel ever again.
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la biblioteca
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the library
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la esposa
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the wife
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no - ni - ni
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neither - nor
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Dilo dos veces - pero no lo digas tres veces.
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Say it twice but don't say it three times.
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la ventana
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the window
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La computadora pequeña es más cara que el grande
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The small computer is more expensive than the big one.
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Ella es la peor de su escuela.
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She is the worst in her school.
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la cadera
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the hip
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el río
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the river
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Hace fresco
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It's cool
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Go out!
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Lo siento - pero no sé lo que estás diciendo.
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I'm sorry but I don't know what you are saying.
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el regalo
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Cuándo os levantáis?
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When do you get up?
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el pelo
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the hair
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No tengo mucho tiempo.
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I don't have a lot of time.
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dejamos de trabajar
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we stop working
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Por qué existimos?
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Why do we exist?
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Antes de la clase - ellos estudian.
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Before the class - they study
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Comprendo que no es nuevo pero lo quiero
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I understand that it's not new but I want it.
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tener vergüenza
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to be ashamed
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la pintura
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the painting
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cincuenta y un gatos
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51 cats
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Necesito ir al cajero automático.
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I need to go to the cash machine.
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to cry
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de la tarde
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la pianista
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the pianist - female
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la articulación
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the joint
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to choose
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El hombre grande.
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The big man - in size.
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No sé si es española o británica
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I don't know if she is Spanish or British
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el periódico
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the newspaper
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No bebéis cerveza?
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Don't you drink beer - plural and informal.
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Las ideas de quién?
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Whose ideas?
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la aspiradora
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the vacuum cleaner
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Ella escribe mucho. Sus artículos son interesantes.
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She writes a lot. Her articles are interesting.
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la lengua
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the tongue
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el párpado
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the eyelid
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Cuántos gatos hay en la ciudad?
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How many cats are there in the city?
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la madrina
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por favor
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I take a seat
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Cuántas veces necesitan hacerlo?
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How many times do you need to do it - plural and formal.
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Vende su casa cerca de Santander?
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He's selling his house near Santander
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to create
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Su nombre no es María. Es Marta.
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Her name isn't Maria. It's Marta.
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Él estudia para ser doctor.
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He studies in order to be a doctor.
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el otoño
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the fall
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they/you had
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la casa es roja
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the house is red
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Veo que el tren viene.
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I see that the train is coming.
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to cover
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el corazón
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the heart
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Vuelve mañana
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Come back tomorrow.
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la sábana
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the sheet
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el terremoto
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the earthquake
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la mujer
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the woman
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José tiene dos libros para la clase.
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Joe has two books for the class.
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a la derecha
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to the right
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to close
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to contain
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Ella no habla nunca - es muy tímida.
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She never talks - she is very shy.
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la cintura
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the waist
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La próxima lección es interesante.
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The next lesson is interesting.
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la cerveza
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the beer
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Vais a hacerlo para mí
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You all are going to do it for me.
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Cuántas veces vas a ir al banco hoy?
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How many times are you going to go to the bank today?
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to check
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Estos edificios son más viejos que aquellos edificios.
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These buildings are older than those buildings.
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