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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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el sol
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the sun
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No salimos hoy.
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We are not going out today.
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Él escribe todos los días.
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He writes every day (all the days).
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El carro de él o el carro de ella?
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His car or her car?
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longtime if before the noun - old if after the noun
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to resolve
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treinta y un libros
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31 books
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la lista
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la cabeza
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the head
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how many - male
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El libro es para ella.
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The book is for her.
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Hay un tren por la tarde?
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Is there a train in the afternoon?
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el perro
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the dog
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no canto
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I don't sing
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No empieces ahora!
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Don't start now!
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Estos hombres son fuertes.
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These men are strong.
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Es el treinta y uno de octubre.
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It is October 31.
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Nuestros libros son viejos.
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Our books are old.
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la tierra
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the earth
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to attend - be present or help
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los padres
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the parents
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Él ni siquiera sabe escribir.
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He doesn't even know how to write.
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Él camina frecuente y alegremente.
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He walks frequently and happily.
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to turn on
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Te doy el libro.
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I'm giving you the book.
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Ella sabe que vengo el sábado.
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She knows that I am coming on Saturday.
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acá - allá
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here - there - used with verbs of motion
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Ella tiene un problema en el pie
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She has a problem with her foot.
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up or upstairs
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el coche
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the car
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la estrella
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the star
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Comemos para vivir.
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We eat in order to live.
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Las sillas amarillas están al lado de las mesas pequeñas.
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The yellow chairs are next to the small tables.
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incluso yo
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Even me
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Estoy poniendo la silla en la mesa
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I am putting the chair on the table.
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No puedo decirte ahora porque salgo.
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I can't tell you now because I am leaving
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Tengo una pregunta para ella
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I have a question for her
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to defend
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por lo menos
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at least
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de la noche
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to feel
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el paciente
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the patient
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Por qué te levantas a las seis?
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Why do you get up at 6 o'clock?
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to use
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Voy a esperar tres días.
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I am going to wait for three days.
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Son las diez en punto
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It is ten o'clock sharp
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Él es malo
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He is bad.
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la salud
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the health
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Escribo más que Pablo.
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I write more than Pablo.
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to expose
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to unite
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setecientos barcos
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700 boats
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to disappear
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to explain
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to hear
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el tren
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the train
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la cuarta lección
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the fourth lesson
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el hombre pobre
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the poor man - without money
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Qué es esto?
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What is this?
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Aquello no es necesario?
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That is not necessary.
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en realidad
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to believe
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una vez
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one time or once
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la soda - la gaseosa
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the soda
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Son las nueve menos cuarto
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It is 8:45
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el drama
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the drama
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to know or taste
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Él tiene más de cien dólares en el banco.
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He has more than one hundred dollars in the bank - day is used in the affirmative instead of "k"
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to announce
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Vamos a hacerlo la semana que viene.
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We're going to do it next week.
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el hospital
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the hospital
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setenta y una muchachas
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71 girls
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la parte
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el hombre alemán
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the german man
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to stay - as in remain there or silent
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la cocina
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the kitchen
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Me gusta España
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I like Spain.
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Ella tiene un bastón con que caminar.
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She has a cane with which to walk.
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to lend
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el consultorio
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the doctor's office
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el edificio
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the building
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nada más
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nothing more or that's all
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el carro
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the car
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Pedro y Linda están aquí. Necesito su carro.
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Pedro and Linda are here. I need their car.
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el video
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the video
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la cortina
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the curtain
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Son las ocho
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It is eight o'clock
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Tengo más lápices que María.
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I have more pencils than Maria.
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no quiero cantar
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I don't want to sing
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el - la - menos - adjetivo - de
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the least - where in this usage day means in