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Audio Flashcards


Verbs, nouns, and short phrases.

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Cards for beginner and lower intermediate level Spanish learners.

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la alcoba
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the bedroom
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Son las siete
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It is seven o'clock
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Sus ideas son fantásticas.
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Your - his - her- their ideas are fantastic.
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to propose
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Son las tres
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It is three o'clock
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Pago diez dólares por este vestido
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I pay ten dollars for this dress - as in exchange for
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Hola. Qué tal?
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Hello. How's it going.
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to refer
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Los Estados Unidos
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The United States
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Pon las sillas en la mesa.
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Put the chairs on the table
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he/she/you went
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to swim
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menos - nombre - que
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less - noun - than
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No tenemos ningunas vacaciones en agosto.
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We don’t have any vacation in august.
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Preferimos viajar por avión.
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We prefer to travel by plane
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El niño corre por debajo de la mesa
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The child runs under the table
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Pensamos que es muy importante empezar pronto.
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We think that it is very important to start soon.
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Veinticinco para las dos
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Twenty five to two
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el músculo
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the muscle
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a mi lado
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at my side
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for - in order to
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to act
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Esta nieve está amarilla.
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This snow is yellow.
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el oficio
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the work or the job
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Hay algo detrás de la mujer.
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There is something behind the woman.
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to occupy
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El tercer capítulo es interesante.
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The third chapter is interesting.
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to smile
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No lo hagas con ella!
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Don't do it with her!
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la mayoría
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the majority
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el cielo
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the sky
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Queremos comprar la mesa que vendes.
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We want to buy the table that you are selling.
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la colina
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the hill
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la suerte
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the luck
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Por qué no me llamas
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Why don't you call me?
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No puedes venir a hacerlo si no estoy allí.
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You can't come and do it if I am not there
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Lo siento pero no te comprendo porque hablas demasiado rápido.
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I'm sorry but I don't understand you because you speak too fast.
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la calle once
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Eleventh Street
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Venden la casa cerca de la playa.
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They are selling the house near the beach.
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to keep - as in store
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to comprehend
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El autor escribe sobre la historia.
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The author writes about history.
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I had
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Se quedan cerca de la playa esta tarde.
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The are staying near the beach this afternoon.
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el hijo
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the son
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el pulmón
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the lung
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Quiero comprar un carro nuevo el año que viene
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I want to buy a new car next year.
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las personas
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the people
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to understand
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debajo de
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to lunch
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Lo hago el jueves.
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I'm doing it on Thursday.
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Tengo menos tiempo hoy que el sábado.
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I have less time today than on Saturday.
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la salida
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the exit
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el - la florista
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the florist
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to learn
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Esa guitarra es nueva.
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That guitar is new.
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treinta y seis
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Vendemos este libro.
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We are selling this book.
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to laugh
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to mark
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to worry
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No lo compras mañana
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You're not buying it tomorrow
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to contemplate
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tener sed
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to be thirsty
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Come él aquí con frecuencia?
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Does he eat here often?
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el miércoles
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Wednesday - on Wednesday
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Me das el libro?
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Are you giving me the book?
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el banco
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the bank
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Por qué no lo sabes?
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Why don't you know it?
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la presidente
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the president - female
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Hablo clara y concisamente.
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I speak clearly and concisely.
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to enter
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to improve
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Tenemos veinte dedos - diez en las manos y diez en los pies.
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We have twenty digits - ten on our hands and ten on our feet.
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Estoy seguro que vas a ser muy importante
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I’m sure that you're going to be very important
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to cross
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Salgo más tarde porque tengo que trabajar.
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I'm leaving later because I have to work.
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No es la profesora es estudiante.
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She's not the teacher she's a student.
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to present or introduce
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No tengo nada en mi bolsa
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I have nothing in my bag
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Él no tiene mucho dinero.
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He doesn't have a lot of money.
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el ocaso
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the sunset
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el mundo
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el estómago
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the stomach
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el niño
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the boy
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Qué es esto? Qué es eso?
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What is this? What is that?
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la pestaña
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the eyelash
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el temblor
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the tremor